I hope this issue of the Tax Reduction Letter finds you and your family in good health. Warmest good wishes at this difficult time from all of us at the Bradford Tax Institute.
Yes. These are very difficult times, and right now you’re probably not worrying about the intricacies of the tax code.
But give me a minute because there’s something you should be aware of.
You see, you may be missing an opportunity to get a 20% tax deduction under Section 199A of the tax code. And that could amount to a lot of money. So let me explain…
To get your full deduction you’ll need to understand arcane technical terms like “phase-in, phase out zones,” and know whether you’re running an “in-favor” or ”out-of-favor” business. And that’s just for starters.
Sound complicated? Well it is. That’s why the Tax Reduction letter will make everything easy by providing you with a…
New 2020 Section 199A Calculator
It’s free and you can access it with a click

Three ways our fact-filled article can help you:
- We’ll explain why form 1040 and your QBI numbers are so important. Both these numbers have to be taken into account when you calculate your deduction. In fact, qualification for your deduction starts with your 1040 taxable income. You’ll get the whole story when you read the full article.
- We’ll provide a detailed example that will make things easy to understand. This is for sure… without our calculator, computing your deduction can be very difficult. But don’t worry. The example we’ll provide will show you how, with our calculator, your deduction can be determined, virtually instantly. You’ll get all the details when you read the full article.
- We’ll also cover other related and important subjects. For example, we’ll explain how to handle capital gains and dividends, wages and property calculations, “phasing-in,” and much more. The bottom line? You’ll learn a tremendous amount when you read the full article.