The clock is ticking and soon it will be 2012. Which is why you should act now and check out the proven end-of-year tax-planning strategies I highlight in my new article.
These last-minute tax planning ideas can help you create or push more deductions into this year so your 2011 tax bill will be lower.
Lots of extremely useful information is waiting for you in my new article titled Tax Tips: Last-Minute Year-End Tax Planning for Your Business Tax Deductions.
Three ways our fact-filled article can help you:
- You’ll learn TWELVE ways to save a lot of money. There are many ways to save big on taxes at the end of the year… if you know what you’re doing. We do and we’ll be pleased to share our knowledge with you when you read the full article.
- We’ll tell you what to do before 2012. My article explains everything from using the “Safe-harbor” rule, to tax advice on when to get married or divorced. It’s all there waiting for you when you read the full article.
- Specific examples help make our tax-saving ideas clear. My new article isn’t filled with ivory-tower theories. Instead it’s loaded with practical advice you can use now. And many are illustrated with easy-to-understand examples. The clock is ticking so now’s the time to read the full article.