Are you thinking of investing in a “self-directed” IRA? If you are, here are two words of advice…
“Watch out!”
You see, unlike a regular vanilla IRA, a self-directed IRA allows you to invest in all kinds of nontraditional assets like apartments, duplexes, equipment leasing, first and second mortgages, limited partnerships, commercial paper, and more.
The result? It’s possible that these risky investments will make you a lot of money. But there’s also a chance that you could lose your shirt. Especially if you don’t follow IRS rules to the letter!
Want to stay out of trouble with Uncle Sam? Be sure to read my new article titled Tax Tips: Oops! Loan Guarantee Sinks Self-Directed IRA.
Three ways our fact-filled article can help you:
- We’ll explain why you have to tread extremely carefully. The IRS has very strict rules about which self-directed IRA transactions are legal and which are not. The IRS is very tough on “self dealing” and “prohibited transactions.” We’ll show you how to stay out of hot water when you read the full article.
- We’ll provide an instructive case history. Lawrence Peek and Darrell Fleck learned about self-directed IRA problems the hard way. You’ll hear their (sad) story when you read the full article.
- We’ll provide an important “planning note.” If you’re ever thinking of getting involved in a self-directed IRA, the information we’ve get waiting for you makes “must” reading. Don’t miss this opportunity to read the full article.