Nobody likes to take a loss on their business, rental, or non-rental investments. But there is a (somewhat) bright side to these losses. You can deduct them and put that cash where you need it. In your pocket.
That’s why you should read our new article titled Tax Tips for Rental, Non-Rental, and Business Losses. It will show you how to build your net worth by handling your deductions the smart way!
Three ways our fact-filled article can help you:
- It will take the complexity out of “passive-loss” rules and help you put the information to use. It’s worth checking out our new article for this information alone and it’s yours absolutely free when you read the full article.
- We’ll explain the six exceptions you need to know now. Did you know that the regulations contain six non-rental exceptions to the definition of rentals? In most cases, these exceptions are, for tax purposes, businesses. We’ll explain it all when you read the full article.
- We’ll tell you the seven questions the IRS asks in an audit of your losses. If you were being audited by the IRS on your material participation in a business, a rental property, or a non-rental, the IRS would ask you a series of pointed questions. The questions apply to each individual activity and to each tax year. What are these questions? You’ll find out when you read the full article.