Do you think the COVID-19 Payroll Protection Plan (PPP) is not a benefit for partners?
Well, I’m happy to tell you that the PPP “free cash” program works for partnerships too!
How can your partnership take advantage of the PPP automatic cash program?
You’ll find out
when you read my new article titled
Six Insights into the PPP for Partnerships.
Insight #1: It’s your partnership’s partners’ self-employment income that creates cash and loan forgiveness. We’ll explain three rules that apply to and benefit the partnership. You’ll come out a winner when you read the full article.
Insight #2: Follow the important “paid” and “cap” rules. Line 9 of the SBA official forgiveness application explains these rules that you really need to understand. We’ll make everything clear when you read the full article.
Insight #3: Handle qualifying non-payroll expenses correctly. When stating that the partnership had to file for the PPP loan and forgiveness, the SBA explained something vitally important. We’ll tell you what it is when you read the full article.
Insight #4: What you should do if you have no employees. If you have none, you should read two information-packed articles that we’ve prepared for you. We’ll provide links to these articles when you read the full article.
Insight #5: It’s important to time your application right. If your partnership hasn’t yet applied for its PPP money, do it now. The SBA has plenty of money available for PPP loans at the moment, but it’s very possible that it won’t last long. You’ll get the whole story when you read the full article.
Insight #6: Easier forgiveness is on the way. Who wants to participate in the PPP program if the loan you’re granted has to be repaid? But don’t worry. There’s good new about loan forgiveness that we’ll explain when you read the full article.