To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… We all make mistakes, but here’s one you absolutely should never make… Don’t file your tax federal tax return late! Why? Because filing late can bring down the wrath of the IRS. And hard. Here’s what you face if you mess up… ****** For starters, a penalty of up to 45% ******and a full-blown IRS … [Read more...]
Tax-savings for married couples claiming Section 179 deductions
To get my complete articlewith all the details… If you got married, it’s very possible your wedding vows included the words, “for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer.” Well, my new article was written to make sure you and your spouse come out “richer” when you claim your Section 179 deductions! A quick definition (by way of a review). Section 179 of the tax … [Read more...]
How to fight the 2021 tax-loss nightmare
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Definition: Net Operating Loss You have a net operating loss (NOL) when yourbusiness deductions exceed your business income. As you probably know, many horror movies include a scene in which the scary monster/evil person is finally killed. But then, just when the good guys all take a sigh of relief, … [Read more...]
How to fix tax-return mistakes before the IRS finds them
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Anyone can make a mistake. But mistakes you make on your federal tax return can hurt you big time. You see, if the IRS picks up your errors, you may have to pay stiff penalties, increased interest accruals, and face other painful problems. To get the full story CLICK HERE Good news. The IRS gives you a … [Read more...]
The IRS goofs on the home-office deduction
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Does the IRS ever make a mistake? Take a guess at the answer! What concerns me in this issue of the Tax Reduction Letter is a specific IRS mistake that can cost you big money. I’m talking about how the IRS made a serious error in its publication that dealt with the home-office gross-income limit. To get … [Read more...]