Good news for small business owners!
The IRS has made an important change to the tax laws that allows you to immediately deduct many expenses you previously had to depreciate!
I’m talking about computers, smart phones, tablets, furniture, and even an inexpensive car or truck.
My advice? Act quickly to comply with the new law which I explain in my latest article titled Tax Tips: Act Fast: Install New Audit-Proof $2,500 Expensing ($5,000 with AFS).
Three ways our fact-filled article can help you:
- We’ll explain the new audit-proof option you can use to increase deductions. This new option lets you avoid depreciating certain assets and, instead, simply write them off. This can make your tax life easier and save you money as you’ll learn when you read the full article.
- You’ll learn how this new rule allows you to avoid depreciation recapture and save time and hassle keeping your tax records. The first rule you’ll come to love is the IRS safe harbor audit-proof expensing of $2,500. (Or $5,000 with an Applicable Financial Statement — AFS.) We’ll give you all the details when you read the full article.
- We’ll tell you how to take advantage of Uncle Sam’s “safe harbor” rules. To sail safely into the IRS’s safe harbor you must take four important steps and you need to get started today. We’ll explain each one in easy-to-understand language when you read the full article.