To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… You know what’s bad? An IRS audit. You know what’s REALLY bad? When the IRS claims that many of your 1099 independent contractors are actually W-2 employees! You see, if that’s the claim they make, you may have to pay tens of thousands of dollars in unpaid payroll taxes! Why the huge extra tax … [Read more...]
Tax Policy
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How To Cut Your Medicare Premiums
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… As you’ve probably found out,Medicare health insurance premiums can add up to big dollars. And the premiums are getting even bigger! That’s why you need to read my compete article You see, in my new edition of The Tax Reduction Letter I will… Explain Medicare parts B and D in detailExplain why 2022 … [Read more...]
Depreciating Residential Rental and Commercial Real Property: Surprises
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… What’s the Holy Grail that taxpayers seek? Depreciation. Why? Because as you probably know, depreciating an asset over time can reduce your tax bill. What you may not know is that… All real property is not created equal. Here’s the difference: You can depreciate residential real property (like an … [Read more...]
Case Study: Employee Retention Credit for the Start-Up Business
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Did you start a new business after February 15, 2020? If yes, then you may be eligible for a hefty “employee retention credit” (ERC). And what an ERC! The credit is worth up to $100,000 for the third and fourth calendar quarters of 2021! A case study: How Henry and Heide came out winners.And how you can come … [Read more...]
When is a Partner in a Partnership Considered a 1099 Worker?
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Can you answer these two important questionsabout your partnership agreement?… Does your agreement spell out exactly when a partner can deduct unreimbursed partner activity (UPE)?Is your agreement crystal clear about when your partnership can treat some partner activity as if the partner were a 1099 worker? Why … [Read more...]