“Urgent: Protect Yourselffrom Costly Payroll Fraud” To get my complete articlewith all the details… Imagine discovering that your trusted CPA embezzled payroll taxes—funds you are ultimately responsible for paying the IRS. This isn’t just a hypothetical scenario; it’s a reality that business owner Rodney Taylor faced after his CPA stole between $1 million and $2 … [Read more...]
Tax Planning
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Maximize Your Tax Deductions with Timeshare Business Lodging
"Maximize Your Tax Deductionswith Timeshare Business Lodging" To get my complete articlewith all the details… Are you leveraging every possible tax advantage for your business? If you own a timeshare and use it for business travel, exciting opportunities await to reduce your tax burden. Discover how to fully capitalize on your timeshare for business lodging without … [Read more...]
Shutting Down a Partnership: The Tax Implications
“Shutting Down a Partnership:The Tax Implications” To get my complete articlewith all the details… When you start a partnership there’s plenty of good fellowship to go around. But things change for many reasons, and there may come a day when you want to shut down your partnership. If that day comes, it’s important to understand the tax implications of your … [Read more...]
Did You Overfund a Section 529 Plan? Consider a Roth IRA Rollover
“Did You Overfunda Section 529 Plan?Consider a Roth IRA Rollover” To get my complete articlewith all the details… Looking for a great way to help pay for a childs', or other family member’s, college education? Consider establishing a Section 529 college savings plan. These plans are not federally tax-deductible (they are deductible in many states). What’s … [Read more...]
Tax Rules for Providing Free Meals and/or Lodging to Employees
"Tax Rules for ProvidingFree Meals and/or Lodging to Employees” To get my complete articlewith all the details… Sorry to be the bearer of bad tidings but here’s a fact you should know. The tax rules on free meals for employees have changed to create more revenue for the government and fewer fringe benefits for employees. The bad … [Read more...]