Do you want to pay more business taxes than you have to? Of course not! That’s why you should check out the five business-deduction strategies we’re providing in this new issue of the Tax Reduction Letter. These perfectly legal strategies, that you can put to work in December, can help produce additional business tax deductions (and/or less taxable income) for … [Read more...]
Section 179
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2019 Last-Minute Vehicle Purchases to Save on Taxes
I’m an accountant, not a car salesman, but I want to make this high-pressure sales pitch right now… “My friends, if you need a replacement business car, SUV, van, or pickup truck, now is the time to buy!” Why? Because if you act promptly, you can take advantage of some extremely valuable deductions. But don’t forget … you have to own the vehicle and place it in service … [Read more...]
Impact of Death, Retirement, and Disability on the 179 Deduction
Let’s hear it for Section 179 of the IRS tax code! It lets your business deduct the full price of qualifying equipment purchased or financed during the tax year! EXAMPLE: Let’s say your proprietorship bought a pickup truck with a gross vehicle weight-rating greater than 6,000 pounds and a bed six feet or longer. Assuming you use the pickup 100-percent for business, you can … [Read more...]
Get Bonus Depreciation on Purchase of Leased Vehicle
Sure, The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) has hurt small business owners in several ways. But the TCJA has also provided some significant tax savings, one of which we want to highlight now. The good news is that tax reform has added two new provisions that now allow you to claim bonus depreciation on the purchase of a vehicle you’re leasing. Want to learn how to take … [Read more...]
IRS saves many vehicles from the TCJA bonus depreciation debacle
Do you own a tax-law-defined luxury automobile, crossover vehicle, pickup truck, or sport utility vehicle? If you do, this issue of the Tax Reduction Letter makes “must” reading. Why? Because the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act lets you deduct 100-percent of the cost of qualifying assets. It makes one major exception. I’m talking about the $8,000 bonus depreciation cap that … [Read more...]