If you’re like a lot of small business owners, you want to cover your employees with group health-insurance, but you’re worried about the costs. That’s why you should read my new article. You see, I can show you how to… Cover your employees with group health-care coverage Limit your annual insurance costs, Get a tax deduction Give tax breaks to your … [Read more...]
Section 105 medical plan
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Obamacare and your Section 105 medical plan
It’s a fact… You don’t have to offer your employees group health-care coverage if you have fewer than 50 employees. But what happens if you have more than one, but fewer than 50 employees, and you want to give your employees health-care benefits? Well, I’ve got good news for you. Though Obamacare does have a dramatic impact on Section 105 medical plans, you can offer … [Read more...]
Winning strategies for surviving Obamacare
As you probably know, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) inflicted a host of new penalties and restrictions. What you might not know is that the old health care laws are still on the books. This means that to come out a winner, you have to know how to play the complicated health-care game the right way. Which is why I’ve written my new article. It will help you choose the … [Read more...]
Is there life for your Section 105 Plan (HRA) after Obamacare?
Well, 2014 is here. Which means the new Obamacare tax rules that apply to health reimbursement accounts (HRAs) like Section 105 medical reimbursement plans, are now in effect. IMPORTANT: There are huge changes in the law that you need to know about now. Do not wait to find out what Uncle Sam has in store for you! If you want to find out exactly where you stand, and how the … [Read more...]
How to create year-end medical & retirement plan deductions
Time is running out! The fact is, if you don’t act by December, 31 you may lose some big tax deductions that you can (and should!) lawfully claim. I’m talking about medical deductions and retirement-plan contributions that can be positioned as business tax-deductions — deductions that can slash your 2013 tax bill! In my new article you’ll find six practical, proven strategies … [Read more...]