Ben Franklin once said "Nothing is sure but death and taxes.” Ben was certainly right about death, but he was (understandably) unaware of some recent, money-saving changes in the tax law. You see, if your spouse dies, and you inherit his or her IRA, you can now get some welcome relief from heavy taxes. Want to find out how to handle an inherited IRA the smart way? Don’t … [Read more...]
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How to design a retirement plan when you have employees
Let’s face it. When you have employees working for you, your retirement-plan design strategy can get pretty complicated. You have to decide how to maximize your own benefits and whether or not to provide retirement plans for your employees too. Sounds complicated but don’t lose heart. You do have some really good options. And we’ll outline six of them for you when you read … [Read more...]
How to choose the right retirement plan
You may not be retiring for many years, but now is the time to ask yourself a vitally important question… “Which retirement plan makes the best sense for me?” The problem is, there are so many alternatives, you may be confused about which plan design to choose. Should you go with a 401(k)? A profit sharing plan? A defined benefit plan? A SEP or SIMPLE IRA? If you’re … [Read more...]
Six great ways to cut your 2012 tax bill
With the new year approaching fast, now is the time to act if you want to save money on taxes. What can you do to reduce your tax bill? Well, for starters, you can read my new article which offers four year end tips and strategies on medical deductions and two on retirement. But don’t put it off. Before you know it, we’ll be ringing in 2013 and facing possible huge changes … [Read more...]
Does an S Corporation make sense for you?
When you’re choosing a tax-deduction entity for your business, there are many ways to go. You can set up your business as an S corporation, sole proprietorship, single-member LLC, or C corporation. But which one is right for you? Which meets your specific needs and goals? In my new article, the fourth in a series that began in November, 2011, we’ll take a close look at the S … [Read more...]