Do you own a vacation home or condo? If the answer is yes, remember this… If you use your property for personal use and business lodging, you’re entitled to some valuable deductions. What’s more, you can avoid oppressive vacation-home, and passive-loss rules… rules that can cost you big money and big problems with the IRS. (NOTE: Because we’re in the midst of the … [Read more...]
Rental Properties
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CARES Act Fixes TCJA Glitch on QIP, Requires Action
Definition:Qualified Improvement Property (QIP) Qualified Improvement Property refers to any improvement made by the taxpayer to the interior portion of a building that’s nonresidential real property (like office buildings, retail stores, and shopping centers.) Can you believe it? Congress screwed up… big time. What was the mistake they made that could cost you … [Read more...]
COVID 19: Important Tax Breaks from the CARES Act
___________________________________________________________I hope this issue of the Tax Reduction Letter finds you and your family in good health. Warmest good wishes at this difficult time from all of us at the Bradford Tax Institute.___________________________________________________________ As a response to the terrible COVID-19 pandemic, the government has quickly passed … [Read more...]
Unlock Tax Deductions with a Rental-Property Home Office
Want to get an early start cutting your tax bill in 2020? Then my new article is for you! You see, if you’re running a proprietorship, partnership, or corporate business, you probably already know that a home office can offer a significant tax deduction. But what you may not know is that you can get a home-office deduction for your rental property as well as a deduction … [Read more...]
Will the Newly Released Section 199A Rental Safe Harbor Work for You?
Back in January 2019, the IRS provided you with a Section 199A safe-harbor option for your rental properties. This was great news because the safe harbor made it a lot easier for your rental properties to qualify for the valuable 20% Section 199A deduction. Now, nine months later, the IRS has issued the final version of the rental safe harbor and it includes some very … [Read more...]