Thinking about making improvements to your commercial-office space? Act now! Why? Because the recently passed Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act can put thousands of dollars in your pocket if you make improvements to your non-residential property promptly. More good news… It’s very easy to qualify for this new and hefty tax money-saver as we’ll explain when … [Read more...]
Rental Properties
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A quick guide to real estate options
Using options can be a great way to increase profits on real estate investments and rentals. But you have to be careful and avoid a number of dangerous traps. That’s why my new article makes “must” reading. It can help you avoid making costly errors and show you how to maximize profits. Want to find out more? Read my new article titled Tax Tips: Make Sure Your Real … [Read more...]
Good news for commercial property owners!
If you own commercial property, you’ve got to love the “Protecting Americans From Tax Hikes (PATH) Act” that’s now the law. Why? Because, thanks to the PATH Act, qualified leasehold improvements to your commercial property can deliver three huge tax-deduction-acceleration breaks through 2019! Want to find how to put this extremely helpful new law to work for you? Read my … [Read more...]
How to handle a failed rental-property purchase
If you’re planning on buying a rental property, we hope all goes well and you come out a winner. But what happens if the deal falls through and you lose your deposit, inspection fees, travel costs, etc.? The answer is, Uncle Sam is there to help. That’s right. The law says you can deduct your losses if you follow the IRS’s rules. Want to learn how the tax law can come to … [Read more...]
Increase your office depreciation rate by 42%
They say the key to success in real estate is “location, location, location.” But location is also important when it comes to your office. If your office is in your single-family home, you have to depreciate that office using the 39-year depreciation method. But if you locate your home office (or other office) in a duplex or apartment building you own, you might qualify … [Read more...]