Thinking about making improvements to your commercial-office space? Act now! Why? Because the recently passed Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act can put thousands of dollars in your pocket if you make improvements to your non-residential property promptly. More good news… It’s very easy to qualify for this new and hefty tax money-saver as we’ll explain when … [Read more...]
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How your start-up can save big money
Lawmakers finally got it! They realized that it takes time to grow a new business and that it may not generate tax revenue for a while. So they put some extremely helpful rules into the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes (PATH) Act of 2015. If you are thinking about starting a new small business, you may be able to save a lot of money. But you have to know how to play … [Read more...]
Good news for commercial property owners!
If you own commercial property, you’ve got to love the “Protecting Americans From Tax Hikes (PATH) Act” that’s now the law. Why? Because, thanks to the PATH Act, qualified leasehold improvements to your commercial property can deliver three huge tax-deduction-acceleration breaks through 2019! Want to find how to put this extremely helpful new law to work for you? Read my … [Read more...]
Secrets of Collecting Residential Solar Tax Credits from the IRS
Want to slash your utility bills by thousands of dollars? Then a solar water-heating and/or solar electric system might be perfect for you. And best of all, Uncle Sam can help pay for your system by providing you with a 30 percent tax credit! Want to find out how to turn sunshine into cash? Read my new article titled Tax Tips: Secrets of Collecting Residential Solar Tax … [Read more...]
Unlock the power of a Section 105 plan!
Sure. Health insurance premiums are sky high. But if you have a properly planned and executed Section 105 plan, you don’t have to worry. You see, this plan works like magic, turning your medical expenses into tax-favored business deductions that save on both income and self-employment taxes. You’ll get all the details when you read my new article titled Tax Tips: Make … [Read more...]