Should you continue to deduct your client and prospect business-meal expenses in the face of recent changes in the tax laws? My answer is a resounding “YES!” Oh, I know. A while ago I wrote an issue of the Tax Reduction Letter titled “Yes, Tax Reform Did Kill Prospect And Client Meal Deductions.” This means you might reasonably wonder if I’m changing my tune. Not at all. … [Read more...]
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Don’t let business losses make you an IRS target
It’s a fact… The tax law has always treated your hobby activities unfairly. Now, tax reform under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act has made things even worse. You see, thanks to this new legislation, you’re prevented from deducting any business expenses against hobby income. That’s right. Tax reform has turned your tax-law-defined, not-for-profit hobby activity into an unfairly … [Read more...]
Tax reform says get divorced now. Don’t wait.
Are you thinking of getting divorced? Will you be paying alimony? If you’re answering “yes,” I suggest you act this year. Why? Because tax reform has changed the alimony game, and if you split up after 2018, you could wind up paying double the alimony. Sure, divorce is painful. But having to double your alimony payments makes a difficult situation even worse. To … [Read more...]
4 Ways to Deduct Legal Fees After Tax Reform
As you may have painfully discovered, legal fees can add up fast. In the past, Uncle Sam softened the blow a bit by allowing you to deduct those fees. But be aware. Thanks to lawmakers, tax reform has made it more difficult than ever to write off your legal bills. However, all is not lost… If you research the tax code the way we’ve done, you’ll learn that there are four … [Read more...]
How to prove travel expenses after tax reform
As you may know, recent tax-reform rules have left travel expense deductions pretty much intact. This means your travel meals are still tax deductible (subject to the 50-percent cut), and there have been no changes to the rules that govern your other travel expense deductions. What also hasn’t changed is the IRS's requirement that you back up all your travel expenses with … [Read more...]