The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act added a new tax code Section 199A that gives business owners of pass-through businesses a possible 20-percent tax deduction on business income. Sounds good, And it is good. But as you can imagine, some important questions arise that need definitive answers. In this issue of the Tax Reduction Letter we’re going to ask the questions that our … [Read more...]
Sorted by Date
Defeating the kiddie tax after tax reform
When it comes to the kiddie tax, the IRS isn’t kidding around. Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, there are new changes in the law for tax years 2018 through 2025. For those years, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act taxes a portion of an affected child’s or young adult’s unearned income at the federal income tax rates paid by trusts and estates. And those rates are … [Read more...]
2018 last-minute vehicle purchases to save on taxes
Do you need a replacement business car, SUV, van, or pickup truck? Then hurry to your dealership and buy now! No. I’m not a car dealer trying to make a sale. I’m an accountant trying to get you a big tax deduction for 2018! Here’s the story… Thanks to the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, you can now write off the cost of a vehicle-purchase faster than ever before, including, in … [Read more...]
Four 2018 last-minute Section 199A tax strategies
2018 is the first year you need to do year-end Section 199A tax planning. And if you fail to plan, there are consequences. Big consequences. For starters, you could miss out on the huge 20-percent deduction you may be entitled to. Ouch! But don’t worry. It’s not too late to bring your Section 199A deduction back to life. The first thing you need to do is take a minute … [Read more...]
The IRS allows client and prospect business-meal deductions
Here’s good news from the IRS. You read that right. Good news! You see, in Notice 2018-76 the IRS states that client and prospect business meals continue as tax deductions under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. As we’ve mentioned in past issues of the Tax Reduction Letter, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act eliminated entertainment deductions. But thanks to Notice 2018-76, that’s … [Read more...]