“Married? Filing Separately May BeA Great Money-Saving Strategy for 2020!” To get our complete, FREE articlewith all the details… If you’re married, I wouldn’t be surprised if you and your spouse file joint federal income-tax returns. I get it. Most of the time, a joint return resulted in a smaller tax-bill than if you filed two separate tax returns. But hang on … [Read more...]
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ARPA Adds Cash to the Child Tax Credit (2021 Only)!
“ARPA Adds Cashto the Child Tax Credit (2021 Only)!” To get our complete, FREE articlewith all the details… For the 2021 tax-year only, the new American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) made big, taxpayer-friendly changes to the federal income- tax child tax credit (CTC). That’s good news indeed! How much extra money can the changes in the new law put in your pocket? How … [Read more...]
ARPA Adds $$$ to the Child and Dependent-Care Tax Credit
“ARPA Adds $$$ to theChild and Dependent-Care Tax Credit!” To get our complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Bob Dylan said, “the times they are a changin.” And they sure are when it comes to the tax law! For example, take a look at the recent major changes to the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). They’re temporary for 2021 only.) Thanks to lawmakers, the … [Read more...]
Tax Bonanza: Expanded Individual Tax-Credits in New Law
"Tax Bonanza: ExpandedIndividual Tax-Credits in New Law" To get our complete, FREE articlewith all the details… For tax-year 2021, Congress is giving away money. A LOT of money. In fact, Uncle Sam is backing up the truck and passing out billions and billions of dollars to businesses just like yours! Thank the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021for putting more … [Read more...]
ARPA Liberalizes the Earned Income Tax Credit Rules
"ARPA Liberalizes theEarned Income Tax Credit Rules" To get our complete, FREE articlewith all the details… The COVID-19 pandemic obviously caused devastating financial problems for individuals and businesses. That’s why lawmakers enacted the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021. One of the many changes made in the law (for 2021 only), is the liberalization of the … [Read more...]