To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Are you thinking about selling your principal residence? Then you may be eligible to take advantage of some huge tax savings. I’m talking about the "principal residence gain-exclusion break.” The good news: Thankfully, the federal income tax gain exclusion break for principal residence sales is still on … [Read more...]
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Be Sure You Know the Tax-Home Rule
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Do you ever travel out of town for work? If you do, you probably know that you can deduct a whole lot of expenses when you’re away from home on business. What you may not know is that the IRS may decide you also have a “tax home” at that travel destination that denies your travel deductions. Definition: Your tax … [Read more...]
Principal-Residence Gain-Exclusion Break
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… A quick introduction to a very important subject… This issue of the Tax Reduction Letter is Part 2 of my three-part refresher course on how to get the maximum federal income-tax savings from the home-sale gain-exclusion tax break. The gain exclusion at a glance. With residential real-estate markets … [Read more...]
Principal residence gain-exclusion break (Part 1 of 3)
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Are you going to sell your home, or are just thinking about it? Then you may be eligible to take advantage of one of the most terrific tax-breaks allowed by the IRS! I’m talking about the “Principal Residence Gain Exclusion” break. Why this money saving opportunity is so important now. As you know, the … [Read more...]
Deducting Disaster Losses for Individuals
Whether you’re insured or not, a disaster means tax trouble. You’ll find out why when you read the full article,“Deducting Disaster Losses for Individuals” When a disaster strikes, brace yourself. You’re in for painful tax-problems concerning your disaster-loss deductions. (The tax law is your second disaster!) Here are two of many important facts… Deduction Fact … [Read more...]