“Last-Minute Tax Savings on 2022Business Vehicle Purchases” To get my complete articlewith all the details... Want to get more tax deductions and credits in 2022? Who doesn’t? Certainly, readers of my Tax Reduction Letter do. They want to save every penny on taxes that they can. That’s why in this issue I’ll tell you a great way to keep more money in your … [Read more...]
Filing tips
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2022 Powerful Last-Minute Year-End Tax Deductions for Your Business
2022 Powerful Last-MinuteYear-End Deductions for Your Business To get my complete articlewith all the details... All savvy taxpayers have the same goal. To maximize deductions and keep more of their money in their pockets. The sad problem is that all too many taxpayers don’t claim all the deductions they’re entitled to and, instead, leave money in Uncle Sam’s … [Read more...]
2022 Last-Minute Section 199A Tax Reduction Strategies
“2022 Last-Minute Section 199ATax Reduction Strategies” To get my complete articlewith all the details... The clock is ticking. And if it keeps ticking after December 31 of this year, and you missed paying attention to your Section 199A tax planning, you could be losing a lot of money. Specifically, you could end up with a zero-deduction amount. That’s right, … [Read more...]
Answers to 12 Employee Retention Credit (ERC) Questions
“Answers to 12 Employee RetentionCredit (ERC) Questions” To get my complete articlewith all the details… As you may already know, it’s not too late to file for the valuable Employee Retention Credit. This is true whether you already filed for it or are just thinking of doing so. Well, my advice is to do so … and soon. Why should you file? Because you can … [Read more...]
Avoid These Common Mistakes When Converting to an S Corporation
“Avoid These Common MistakesWhen Converting to an S Corporation” To get my complete articlewith all the details… Thinking of turning your business into an S corporation? This can be a very smart move... but be careful. VERY careful. You see, Big Brother (AKA the IRS) will bewatching you closely, and if you get thingswrong, you could pay a terrible price. I … [Read more...]