“Is Holding Real Property in a Corporationa Good or Bad Idea” To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details... My new article is intended to answer a very important question: Does ii make sense for you to hold real property in your corporation? Here’s my advice. For tax reasons, you’re generally well advised NOT to hold real property in your … [Read more...]
Filing tips
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Are You a Regular Investor or a Tax-Favored Securities Trader?
“Are You a Regular Investor ora Tax-Favored Securities Trader?” To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details... __________________________________________________ DEFINITION: Mark to market For tax purposes, mark to market meansresetting the value of say a stock or other asset toits market price on December 31 (or fiscal yearend date if … [Read more...]
Section 1031: Don’t Miss This Depreciation Election Opportunity
“Section 1031: Don’t Miss ThisDepreciation Election Opportunity” To get my complete articlewith all the details... DEFINITION: Cost segregation study. A cost segregation study is a process that examines each element of a property, splits them into different categories, and allows you … [Read more...]
Do You Owe Self-Employment Tax on Airbnb Rental Income?
“Do You Owe Self-Employment Taxon Airbnb Rental Income?” To get my complete articlewith all the details... That’s a good question. One you should be asking yourself if you use your property as an Airbnb. Well, let’s take a crack at answering the question. First... Here’s what the IRS saidin their Chief Counsel Advice (CCA): … [Read more...]
Primer: When Cancellation of Debt (COD) Income Can Be Tax-Free
“Primer: When Cancellation of Debt(COD) Income Can Be Tax-Free” To get my complete articlewith all the details... Too many people are in debt and even more will likely become indebted as we possibly dip into a recession. A quick look at debt cancellation While the general federal income-tax rule states that cancellation of debt (COD) income is taxable, there are … [Read more...]