“Tax Quiz - Sell Stock at aLoss to Your Daughter” To get my complete articlewith all the details… Say you bought stock in 2022 for $17,000. In 2024, you sell this stock to your daughter at fair market value for $9,000. What is the loss deduction you may claim on your 2024 tax return? $0 $3,000 $8,000 $9,000 Answer Correct answer: $0. You may not … [Read more...]
Filing tips
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Navigate Your S Corporation Vehicle Reimbursement with Ease!
"Navigate Your S Corporation VehicleReimbursement with Ease!" To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Does your S corporation reimburse you for the business use of your vehicle? If so, it's crucial to understand the ins and outs of reporting when you sell or trade in that vehicle. We've got you covered with expert insights and clear examples in our … [Read more...]
No Mercy When Your CPA Doesn’t File Your Tax Return
“No Mercy When Your CPA Doesn’tFile Your Tax Return” To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Do you use a certified public accountant (CPA), or another tax professional, to prepare your taxes. If you do, you typically count on them to electronically file your return for you. But what happens if your tax pro fails to file your return? That’s when … [Read more...]
Self-employed? Amend Tax Returns for up to $32,220 in Tax Credits
“Self-employed? Amend Tax Returnsfor up to $32,220 in Tax Credits” To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Are you self-employed? If you are, here’s an important question for you? Have you claimed all the COVID-19 family andsick-leave tax credits you’re entitled to? If you haven’t, it can cost you big time! There’s a LOT at stake! If you … [Read more...]
Can You deduct a Loss From an Airbnb Bedroom Rental?
“Can You deduct a LossFrom an Airbnb Bedroom Rental?” To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Let’s say you rent a bedroom in your home to someone on an Airbnb basis. And let’s say you lose money on the deal. Can you deduct the loss? The simple answer is, that in general, the answer is yes! Of course, losing money on your Airbnb bedroom is no … [Read more...]