Careful! Handle payroll taxes the wrong way and you could end up in an IRS agent’s office. Here’s some good advice that can help you avoid a whole lot of pain. Never deal with taxpayers who don’t remit payroll taxes to the government. If you do, you could wind up paying a huge penalty, even if what you think you are is an innocent bystander. That’s what happened to a … [Read more...]
Health Savings Accounts: The Ultimate Retirement Account
What’s the best way to save for retirement? The surprising answer is a Health Savings Account (HSA). The HSA is a tax-advantaged medical savings account, much like an IRA, that’s paired with a high-deductible health plan. Why is an HSA such a great way to save for retirement? Because an HSA is the only tax-advantaged account that gives you three important … [Read more...]
2021 Last-Minute Year-End Tax Strategies for Your Stock Portfolio
Here’s good news if you own a stock portfolio. (And if you’re a reader of the Tax Reduction Letter, I’ll bet you do.) If you know how to play the game, you can turn your stock portfolio into a year-end tax-reducing machine. The basics are really pretty straightforward. Avoid the high taxes (up to 40.8%) on short-term capital gains and ordinary income.Lower the taxes to … [Read more...]
Principal Residence Gain-Exclusion Break (Part 3 of 3)
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… NOTE: This issue of the Tax Reduction Letter is a“refresher” on an important topic. It’s the last ofa three-part series and I suggest you review parts 1 and 2to get complete information. Are you about to sell your home, or thinking about putting it on the market? Then I’ve got good news for you… You … [Read more...]
How 529 College Savings Account Withdrawals Are Taxed
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… Definition: 529 Plan. 529 plans are tax-advantaged accounts thatare used to help pay for qualified educationalexpenses. What you may already know: The big advantage of a 529 plan is that “qualified” withdrawals from the account are usually federal and state income-tax free. The plan is a great way to … [Read more...]