Watch out! The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) assesses nasty penalties if your business pays the individual insurance-premiums of your employees. (Under Obamacare, you simply can’t deduct those premiums!) As an S corporation owner, this could be a big, expensive problem for you. To make matters worse, the IRS hasn’t given definitive guidance on how Obamacare affects S … [Read more...]
Obamacare and your Section 105 medical plan
It’s a fact… You don’t have to offer your employees group health-care coverage if you have fewer than 50 employees. But what happens if you have more than one, but fewer than 50 employees, and you want to give your employees health-care benefits? Well, I’ve got good news for you. Though Obamacare does have a dramatic impact on Section 105 medical plans, you can offer … [Read more...]
Want to survive an IRS audit? Know the law!
Usually, in a tax audit, you’re discussing facts, not the law. If the IRS auditor questions your deductions, you prove the facts with receipts, canceled checks, log books, etc. But once you get into matters of law, not matters of fact, you need a lot more information. That’s where my new article comes in. It will show you how to use the law, court rulings, and IRS documents … [Read more...]
How long should you keep your tax records?
When it comes to the tax law, a lot of people don’t understand what the “statute of limitations” really means. They think it governs the length of time they have to hang on to their tax records. Wrong. The “statute of limitations” refers to the window of time when you and the IRS can make changes to your tax returns. The statute of limitations sets the time periods during … [Read more...]
Winning strategies for surviving Obamacare
As you probably know, the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) inflicted a host of new penalties and restrictions. What you might not know is that the old health care laws are still on the books. This means that to come out a winner, you have to know how to play the complicated health-care game the right way. Which is why I’ve written my new article. It will help you choose the … [Read more...]