If you want to improve your business skills, Uncle Sam has some good news for you… As you’ll learn in my new article, you can deduct 100% of the cost of: Certain advanced degrees like an MBA Language courses Classes to help you build computer skills Industry seminars And just about any other form of education that helps you build or maintain your business … [Read more...]
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How to supercharge your travel deductions
If you ever travel away from home on business, my new article makes “must” reading. Why? Because if you know how to play the business-travel deductions game, you can save a ton of money. Want to learn when you can deduct business-travel meals and lodging, and how to turn “personal days” into “business days”? You’ll get this information and a lot more when you read my new … [Read more...]
Crucial steps to deducting conventions, seminars, and meetings
Want to deduct the cost of a trip to a convention, seminar, or similar meeting at a beautiful resort? Especially one held in an exotic location? Then there’s an important fact you should know. The tax law divides the world into two zones: Inside North America Outside North America Why does this distinction matter? Because it affects the way you can deduct related … [Read more...]
Protect yourself from the Alternative Minimum Tax!
It’s outrageous! Did you know that the Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT) rules force you to pay taxes on your tax deductions! That’s right. The AMT even makes you pay taxes on the personal exemptions the regular tax law grants you for your children! Luckily, because you own a business, there is something you can do to protect yourself. You can use your business expenses to … [Read more...]
I’m going to Disneyland! (It’s deductible!)
Do you ever attend conventions or similar meetings? Great! Your attendance automatically qualifies as you having a “substantial and bona fide business discussion.” And when you precede or follow such business discussions with entertainment that takes place in a non-business setting, you can claim some big deductions. For example, going to a convention at the Disneyland … [Read more...]