As a business owner, do you want to pay more in income taxes than you have to? Of course not! That’s why you should check out the seven business tax-deduction strategies in this new issue of the Tax Reduction Letter. These perfectly legal strategies, that you can put to work now, can help produce additional business tax deductions (and/or create less taxable income) … [Read more...]
Sorted by Date
2021 Last-Minute Vehicle Purchases to Save on Taxes
Here’s an easy question: Do you need more 2021 tax deductions? If yes, continue on. Next easy question: Do you need a replacement business vehicle? If yes, you can simultaneously solve or mitigate both the first problem (needing more deductions) and the second problem (needing a replacement vehicle), but you need to get your vehicle in service on or before December 31, … [Read more...]
2021 Last-Minute Year-End Tax Deductions for Existing Vehicles
December 31 is approaching fast. Why are we calling attention to this date? Because it’s the last day you can take advantage of some valuable tax deductions you might have overlooked. That’s right. If you know the IRS rules (and we do!), your currently-owned business cars, SUVs, trucks, and vans, (and even your personal vehicles!), can be the source of significant … [Read more...]
2021 Last-Minute Section 199A Tax Reduction Strategies
If your taxable income is above $164,900 (or $329,800 on a joint return), then your type of business, wages paid, and property can reduce and/or eliminate your Section 199A tax deduction. The combinations can create confusion, but you can lessen the confusion by using the 2021 Section 199A calculator. Want to stay on the safe side? Read my new article titled 2021 … [Read more...]
Two. Four. Six. Eight. When can we depreciate?
To get my complete, FREE articlewith all the details… What’s more fun? Lying on a beach with a chilled Margarita in your hand or Sitting in an office, figuring out the best way to depreciate business assets? I must confess, that as the publisher of the Tax Reduction Letter, evaluating deduction strategies wins hands down. (Okay. So I’m lying—maybe.) The … [Read more...]