In my recent article titled Find New Tax Deductions with Two-Car Tax Strategies, I outlined money-making strategies you could use to cut your tax bill. In my new article, I’ll explain some recent and important IRS and tax court decisions and explain why they’re good news for you! If you want to put more cash in your pocket, I urge you to read my new article titled Tax … [Read more...]
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Claim tax deductions on one or two cars?
If you’ve got two cars in your household, and are claiming business tax deductions for just one, you may be losing money. You see, if your circumstances are right, you might get a hefty increase in deductions by using the two-car strategy. How does it work? You’ll get all the details when you read my new article titled Tax Tips: Find New Tax Deductions with Two-Car Tax … [Read more...]
Best Home-Office Deduction for S or C Corporation
Do you own an S or C corporation? If the answer is “yes,” and you want to claim a tax deduction for an office in your home, my new article is for you! You see, there are three ways to claim the deduction and I’ll explain which one you should choose. Selecting the wrong method can prove costly, so don’t miss my new article titled Tax Tips: The One Best Way to Claim a … [Read more...]
Get a bonus depreciation on your trade in
Let’s start with a definition: Your trade-in of a business vehicle or airplane on a like-kind business vehicle or plane is called a “Section 1031 exchange.” The good news is that you don’t pay taxes on a 1031 exchange (unless you receive cash or a reduction in debt). But that’s not all. By using some proven tax strategies, you can make the 1031 exchange even better! Want to … [Read more...]
Instant deductions for your start-up business
Thinking about starting a brand new business? Then you need to know how to deduct start-up costs right now. You see, the IRS lets you deduct costs the moment you start thinking about your new business. I know this sounds too good to be true but it is true as you’ll learn when you read my latest article titled Tax Tips: Tax Benefits for Thinking About and/or Starting a New … [Read more...]