When you’re dead, the status of the Section 179 deduction you took on your business vehicle won’t be troubling you much. But you’re alive and kicking! Which means you’re able to read my new article that explains what happens to your Section 179 tax deduction if you die, retire, or become disabled. Okay. I admit that this is not the most cheerful subject in the world, but if … [Read more...]
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Why tenant improvements can mean a bonanza for landlords
Have your tenants made improvements to your rental property? If the answer is “yes,” you may be in line for some hefty monetary and tax benefits! You see, under Section 109 of the Internal Revenue Code, at the termination of a lease, the landlord gets the value of tenant (lessee) improvements completely free of taxes. Want to learn how to be a winner at this profitable game? … [Read more...]
How “related parties” destroy qualified leasehold improvements
Are you a landlord or the lessee? If the answer is “yes,” you can get huge tax breaks when you can take advantage of a qualified leasehold improvement. But if the landlord and the lessee are tax-law defined “related parties,” you can kiss those tax-favored benefits goodbye. For the purposes of a qualified leasehold improvement property, there are fourteen definitions of … [Read more...]
How to get a tax benefit if you total your car (Ouch!)
The IRS has a nice euphemism for a car wreck… They call it an “involuntary conversion.” Of course, no one wants to lose their business vehicle in any kind of crash, wreck, or conversion. But if you ever do (and we hope you don’t!), you should at least get all the tax benefits coming to you. You’ll find out how to get them when you read my new article titled Tax Tips: Ouch! … [Read more...]
Last call! Huge deductions for landlords and tenants
If you’re a commercial landlord or tenant, here’s important advice: Consider making and placing in service “qualified leasehold improvements” before midnight, December 31, 2013. That’s right. The IRS is offering some really big tax deductions if you make approved improvements by the end of this year. Time is running out so you should consider getting started soon! Want to … [Read more...]