Okay. Let’s pretend you’re back in college and you have to turn in an essay to your professor by Monday. But you know that you can’t meet that deadline so you ask your prof for an extension. Well, that’s what lawmakers have done. They’ve granted themselves an extension (and didn’t even have to ask anyone for permission!) Here’s why lawmakers wanted to put things … [Read more...]
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Seven Last Minute Biz Deductions
As a business owner, do you want to pay more in income taxes than you have to? Of course not! That’s why you should check out the seven business tax-deduction strategies in this new issue of the Tax Reduction Letter. These perfectly legal strategies, that you can put to work now, can help produce additional business tax deductions (and/or create less taxable income) … [Read more...]
2020 Last-Minute Vehicle Purchases to Save on Taxes
Here’s an easy question: Do you need more 2020 tax deductions? If yes, continue on. Next easy question: Do you need a replacement business vehicle? If yes, you can simultaneously solve or mitigate both the first problem (needing more deductions) and the second problem (needing a replacement vehicle), but you need to get your vehicle in service on or before December 31, … [Read more...]
The Insurmountable Sin in an IRS Audit: A Sad and True Story
Do you keep a mileage log that can stand up to a careful IRS audit? You’d better have one because, as we explained in an article we wrote last month, an accurate, well-documented mileage log can keep you out of big trouble. Want to see how bad things can get if you fail to maintain one? We’ll tell you what happened to poor Therone Johnson, when you read the full … [Read more...]
TCJA: Don’t Lose Out When Corp. Vehicle Is in Your Personal Name
Do you operate your business as an S or C corporation? Do you drive a vehicle for business purposes that’s registered in your own name? Then watch out! You see, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) changed the rules for tax years 2018 to 2025. These changes in the tax law deny 1040 employee business-expense deductions when you use a personal vehicle for corporate … [Read more...]