“Are You Cheating Yourselfby Using IRS Mileage Rates?” To get my complete articlewith all the details... What a pity. Choosing the wrong mileage rate can cost you a whole lot of money. That’s why I’ve written my new article. In it, you’ll learn one, true, easy way to know whether the IRS “optimal mileage” rate works better for you than the actual expense … [Read more...]
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$80 Billion to the IRS: What It Means to YOU
“$80 Billion to the IRS: What It Means to YOU” To get my complete articlewith all the details... When lawmakers appropriate money, there are inevitably winners and losers. Thanks to The Inflation Reduction Act, the IRS will receive an additional $80 billion over the next decade, making the IRS a sure winner. This lets the IRS add thousands of new employees and … [Read more...]
Avoid These Common Mistakes When Converting to an S Corporation
“Avoid These Common MistakesWhen Converting to an S Corporation” To get my complete articlewith all the details… Thinking of turning your business into an S corporation? This can be a very smart move... but be careful. VERY careful. You see, Big Brother (AKA the IRS) will bewatching you closely, and if you get thingswrong, you could pay a terrible price. I … [Read more...]
Get Business Credits for Electric Vehicle Purchases
“Get Business Credits for Electric Vehicle Purchases” To get my complete articlewith all the details... Are you thinking of buying an electric car or plug-in hybrid for your business? Then my new article makes “must” reading. Why? Because I can show you how to qualify for a brandnew commercial clean-vehicle tax creditworth a whopping $40,000! And that’s … [Read more...]
Tax-free Conversion of a Partnership into an S Corporation
“Tax-free Conversion of a Partnershipinto an S Corporation” To get my complete articlewith all the details... Do you run your business as a partnership or LLC? [In this issue, I’ll refer to both of these ways of doing business as partnerships, because the partnership federal income-tax rules apply to both.] Then you may be considering turning your business … [Read more...]