Is your business entity providing you with the greatest possible tax-deductions? Does it provide you with adequate protection from liability? If answers to these questions are important to you, (and they should be!) don’t miss my new article. It will explain how the four basic business entities produce tax deductions and provide liability protection. You’ll also learn … [Read more...]
Choice of entity
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How to set up a Roth IRA college fund
It’s a fact. Business ownership can give you fat tax deductions for hiring your children and, at the same time, give your children tax-free income. And that’s just for starters. If you handle things right, your children can open Roth IRAs where they can invest their tax-free income in a college fund. Want to learn how to take advantage of this extremely attractive tax … [Read more...]
How to protect your S corporation
Running your business as an S corporation can offer a lot of valuable benefits. But be careful! If you don’t follow the law closely, you could lose big deductions and have to pay additional taxes, penalties, and interest. How can you help make sure that you comply with the law and avoid legal problems? Easy. Read my new article titled Tax Tips: Tax Law Prohibits the … [Read more...]
The smart way to expand your business
Thinking about expanding your business? We can’t tell you which products or services to sell, but we sure can explain the tax implications of expansion! Should you take advantage of tax-deductible business expansion laws, or seek the capitalization or start-up expense classifications? You’ll get straight answers when you read my new article titled Tax … [Read more...]
Best Home-Office Deduction for S or C Corporation
Do you own an S or C corporation? If the answer is “yes,” and you want to claim a tax deduction for an office in your home, my new article is for you! You see, there are three ways to claim the deduction and I’ll explain which one you should choose. Selecting the wrong method can prove costly, so don’t miss my new article titled Tax Tips: The One Best Way to Claim a … [Read more...]