Since the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) was enacted, Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) have become more popular than ever, particularly with small businesses. This should come as no surprise. The HSA has some great features including its exclusion from the Affordable Care Act 100-a-day penalty rules, tax-deductible contributions, tax deferred growth, and possible retirement … [Read more...]
Choice of entity
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Don’t be surprised by the related-party matching rule
Operating your business as a C corporation, S corporation, or LLC can have its advantages — like limited liability protection. But there are things you have to watch out for. Exhibit #1: The related-party matching rule If you’re not careful this rule will put your business on the cash method for deducting payments to related cash-method taxpayers. The bottom … [Read more...]
Co-owner buyers need a buy-sell agreement!
Buying a business with co-owners? Then you need to set up a buy-sell agreement. And fast. Why? Because a well drafted agreement can… Transform your business ownership interest into a more liquid asset Prevent unwanted ownership changes Save taxes and avoid hassles with the IRS If you want to find out how buy-sell agreements work and how they can keep you out … [Read more...]
Don’t miss these tax-free fringe benefits!
The IRS has some good news for you. You read that right. Some good news from the IRS and here it is… Under the “de minimis” fringe-benefit rules, your business can deduct the cost of giving you and/or your employees, flowers, fruit, books, or similar property. And recipients get these gifts tax free! Want to learn more about the regulations that govern these de minimis … [Read more...]
Buying a business? Due diligence is critical
Buying a new business can be extremely risky. That’s why, before you sign on the dotted line, you should conduct an in-depth due diligence review. Whether you’re going to arrange for an asset purchase or an ownership interest purchase, a careful due diligence review can help you avoid exposure to liabilities, known and unknown. Want to avoid after-the-purchase … [Read more...]