When it comes to figuring out tax deductions for business mileage, tricky IRS rules may leave you scratching your head. That’s where my new article comes in. It was designed to answer those off-beat but common questions that taxpayers face every day. Want to make sure you’re deducting every business-mileage penny you are entitled to? We won’t steer you wrong when you read … [Read more...]
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Increase Deductions by Knowing the Business Mileage Rules
How would you like to learn the rules to turn all of your miles during the workday into business miles that are 100% deductible by tax law? Find out how Congress overruled the Supreme Court in its case against poor Mr. Soliman and now actually makes it easy for you to do just that! Can you have a home office even if you have an office outside of your home? The answer will … [Read more...]
Watch out! Your vehicle “lease” may not be a lease
Sometime it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck. But it turns out, upon closer examination, that it isn’t really a duck! That’s the story with vehicle leases. You see, there are a lot of tax rules on the books that make what looks like a lease, turn out to be a purchase. And what looks like a conditional sales agreement can turn out to be a … [Read more...]
16 ways to boost business vehicle deductions
Are you claiming lower business vehicle deductions than you’re entitled to? The answer may be a definite “Yes!” In fact, lots of taxpayers are paying more than they should. Which is why, in my must-read article, I’ll provide you with sixteen perfectly legal ways to save money on your tax bill. If you are looking for proven ways to increase your business car, SUV, truck, and … [Read more...]
Last minute savings on business cars, suvs, etc.
Who says there’s no Santa Claus? Santa (also known as the IRS) has got some great end-of-year gifts waiting for you if you know where to look. You see, thanks to the IRS you can take advantage of some terrific last-minute tax deductions for bonus depreciation and Section 179 expensing on business cars, trucks, vans, and motor homes. And these include those you already own … [Read more...]