If you’ve failed to pay the payroll taxes you owe, you could be in serious trouble. You see, the IRS has a mechanism called “The Trust Fund Recovery Penalty” that can make you personally liable for the unpaid trust fund taxes, regardless of the kind of business entity you’re running! How does the IRS use the law to come down hard on payroll-tax debtors? And what can you do … [Read more...]
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Receive a reward for reporting a tax cheat
Do you know someone who’s cheating on their taxes? Does it bother you that they’re ripping off Uncle Sam while you are paying everything you owe? Then the IRS wants to hear from you. What’s more, they’ll pay you up to 30% of the money they recover from the tax cheat. Want to learn how you can see justice done and be repaid for your civic mindedness? Read my new article … [Read more...]
Install New Audit-Proof $2,500 Expensing ($5,000 with AFS)
Good news for small business owners! The IRS has made an important change to the tax laws that allows you to immediately deduct many expenses you previously had to depreciate! I’m talking about computers, smart phones, tablets, furniture, and even an inexpensive car or truck. My advice? Act quickly to comply with the new law which I explain in my latest article titled Tax … [Read more...]
Unfiled tax returns? Here’s what to do NOW!
Have you failed to file individual, corporate, or payroll tax returns? If the answer is “yes,” you have a serious and urgent problem that needs to be dealt with immediately! What are the possible consequences of letting things slide? Huge penalties, hefty interest charges, and possible criminal prosecution. If you have failed to file your returns on time, don’t despair. … [Read more...]
Grab these 5 year-end business deductions!
December 31st is approaching fast. That’s why, if you act promptly, before people start shouting “Happy New Year!,” you can save a lot on taxes. How? Well, in my new article I’ll outline five money-saving strategies designed to save you money. BIG money. So get going while the going is good and read my new article titled Tax Tips: 2015 Last-Minute Year-End General … [Read more...]